How to prepare the real Spanish Tortilla

How to prepare the real Spanish Tortilla

If you’ve been in Spain or you have Spanish friends you should have tried by now the world-famous Tortilla de Patatas, aka Spanish Tortilla

What?? You haven’t??

Then you should ask that Spanish boyfriend/girlfriend of yours to prepare one immediately.

Or even better, stay with me and learn how to make a Spanish Tortilla yourself and surprise your “amorcito” tonight.

It will be the definitive action of love for them to fall head over heels.

It’s super easy, I promise, vegetarian and it couldn’t be cheaper either!

But be careful!

Don’t damage your love relationship preparing a fake tortilla like the ones from the BBC and Jamie Oliver

Sorry guys but THAT is NOT a Spanish Tortilla…

That’s a poor try…. Just have a look at the photos…

They look dry and miserable and a real Spanish Tortilla is NOT dry and miserable.

A real Spanish Tortilla is a source of joy and it looks more like this:

Are you staying with me?

Let’s head to the kitchen then!

Oops, first to the market…

The BBC recipe includes lots of ingredients but the reality is that you just need 5.

That’s it.

Let’s see them.

Ingredients for a Spanish Tortilla

It’s completely up to you, but it might be better if you chose free range eggs. They cost just a few cents more, usually, and you’ll make some chickens happier.

The real Spanish Tortilla Recipe

Ok let’s get serious now…

I’m joking!

The best way of cooking a Spanish Tortilla is by putting some nice music on, whatever you like (but I really hope is not Reggaeton) and pouring yourself a nice glass of Rioja.

For the tortilla’s sake, try your best to make that single glass of wine last up until you have finished cooking.

Done? Do you have your glass of wine and your music on?

Ok let’s get to it Manolo!

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them in small chunks.

  2. Get a deep frying pan, like a Wok, and pour a generous stream of oil. (Like ¾ of a cup)

  3. When the oil is super hot set the heat to the minimum (slow simmering) and pour the potatoes.

  4. Chop the onion and add it to the potatoes with a generous amount of salt.

  5. Always keep the heat low! This is the secret for a joyful, moisty, delicious tortilla and not the sad dry one that Jamie prepared. The potatoes need to be cooked slowly until they become mushy NOT crunchy. This process will take at least 40 minutes. You need to stir often so they don’t get burnt.

  6. When the potatoes and onion are nearly ready (they’ve became mushy) put the eggs in a bowl and whisk until they are foamy. Add some more salt.

  7. Pour the fried potatoes and onion into the bowl and mix.

  8. Put a deep, round and small frying pan with a tiny bit of olive oil on the stove. Make sure it’s a good anti-adherent frying pan.

  9. When the pan is hot pour the mix and fry for a minute at medium heat.

  10. Cover the frying pan with a plate and turn it upside down quickly so the tortilla lands on the plate and you can slide it back into the pan to fry the other side.

  11. Cook for another minute at medium heat and then serve it on a plate. The interior should be a bit runny and not too dry.

  12. It’s done!

How many glasses of Rioja have you drunk?

As long as you didn’t burn down the kitchen, all ok.

Tortillas taste even better when accompanied by roasted peppers.

You can just put some red and green peppers in an oven dish and roast for the duration of the making of the tortilla.

Once roasted, let them cool off, peel them, cut them in stripes and add some garlic, salt and olive oil.

Serve on the side of the tortilla.

And of course! Some crunchy bread with it will make the whole experience just perfect.

Set the table, open another bottle of Rioja and enjoy your Spanish noche!

If you are head over heals with all things Spanish follow my blog.

And if you want to speak Spanish once and for all without paying too much, contact me for a free trial class.

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